Ayurveda, an ancient practice originated in India, has been around for a whopping 5000 years and had rightfully stood the test of time. According to the Ayurveda, the disease that is caused in the body are due to body's natural imbalances caused by a variety of factors, and there are many elements that nature provides to help bring back the balance. Ayurveda stresses that rather than suppressing the symptoms, but eliminating the actual problem, by going to its origin. However, soon science took over, promising faster and more targeted remedy, leading to many people switching sides. However, with ambiguity surrounding the modern medicines and the side effects involved, many people are again going back to the age-old remedies that seemed to have worked well enough for ages. The appeal of Ayurveda is not limited to India but has also made its presence felt in the west, persuading many people to choose Ayurveda as opposed to allopathy. Let us take a step further and take a...