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Find Natural Remedies For Your Ailments!

Ayurveda is an ancient science which believe in nature's power to heal human body ailments and conditions. It was discovered in the ancient times when allopathy was not even heard of. It is a preventive as well curative approach to various sickness and conditions. While Allopathy is comparatively new practice and spread across the world, Ayurveda is a holistically scientific method to cure various conditions and diseases. Ayurveda is common for curing common conditions, and there is various ayurvedic medicine for cough, cold, sinus, migraine, etc. Here are certain benefits of Ayurveda ver allopathy:

It heals from within
Ayurvedic medicines permanently heal the person and effectively treats the disease. It also suggests a proper lifestyle for developing our overall health. The objective of Allopathic therapy and medication is to provide immediate relief by killing the germs, bacteria, virus, etc.; that produced the illness. However, it cannot guarantee that the disease will be healed permanently.


Ayurvedic medicines are comparatively inexpensive as they are mostly manufactured from different kinds of readily available plants and herbs.

Natural sources
Ayurvedic medicines are made of natural herbs and plants, which aids in healing diseases without any side effects. Most of the allopathic medicines are artificially, and thus they have some side effect. Ayurvedic medicines are primarily natural drugs which are mostly safe for our body.


Since Ayurvedic medicines use natural products, they are environmentally friendly; and therefore they help to protect the forest and atmosphere from the hazardous chemical pollution.

The concept of Ayurveda is to avert the unnecessary suffering human beings go through while going through allopathic treatment. It believes in providing a healthy and fit life naturally. Butterfly Ayurveda provides ayurvedic medicine for cough, cold and various other day to day ailments. Ayurvedic medicines are made from natural sources like plants, roots, and herbs, based on ancient science. Thus, it has no side effects, and it works to eradicate a disease from its roots.


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