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5 Surprising Facts We Bet You Didn’t Know About Ayurvedic Medicines !

Unlike western medicine, consuming or using Ayurvedic medicines to treat ailments and injuries is a traditional practice prevalent in India for at least 5000 years. This ancient method of caring for health using nature’s resources is even mentioned and documented in the sacred historical scripts called Vedas. Its popularity along with the practice of Yoga has spread all over the globe, and people often consider it as an alternative medical treatment over western medication. Here we present to you a few intriguing facts about Ayurveda you probably are ignorant to:

  1. The foundation of Ayurveda stands on the fundamental principle that the five elements of nature- Fire, Earth, Water, Space and Air are the constituents of a body. A person is considered healthy when all the five elements work together in harmony. The varying proportions of these elements are responsible for the doshas in the human body which mainly defines the different genres people are a part of.

  1. Before you buy ayurvedic medicines, get your doshas identified. The human body suffers from illness and diseases when there is an imbalance in the doshas. Ayurvedic medicine helps you in recovering from the disorders by restoring the balance. There are three types of doshas- Kapha, Pitta and Vata.

  1. There is a close tied relationship between food and medicine in Ayurveda. The imbalance in the dosha is generally rectified through dietary changes and using herbal medicine. There are six types of Rasas, and depending on the imbalance the Ayurvedic practitioner will recommend you the kind of Rasas to refrain from and what type to consume more.

  1. In Ayurveda, what you eat, the place you stay, the colour you like everything plays an important role. Your doshas can be further imbalanced, and you can be under the spell of diseases if the environment you live in is against the doshas. With the help of Ayurvedic medicine, you can bring the balance back to stability and cancel out the harmful effects.

  1. Ayurvedic treatment ensures that your problem is eradicated once and for all. It doesn’t provide you with temporary relief against the symptoms you experience because of the problem. Instead, it focuses on finding the root cause responsible and treat it for long term recovery.

Butterfly Ayurveda is your new age herbal answer to any diseases and illnesses. Be it cough, cold, liver problems, digestion problems or even acidity they provide you with ayurvedic medicines online for all the mentioned problems and take your pain away with the power of Ayurveda.


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